Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Day 7 - Keswick to Lochmaben

Waking up after a 'rest day' is horrible. Our legs seemed to have realised what we're putting them through and refuse to move. Eventually we forced ourselves up and ate the usual granola breakfast. After putting on freshly-washed clothes i once again had the amazing pleasure of placing warm, clean-smelling socks and feet into horribly damp shoes for the third day running. At least the sky was refusing to comply with expectations and was remaining dry for the time being.

We're not out of the lakes yet - a hilly start to our 120km day
There is always a conflict while deciding which route to cycle. While the back roads are usually quiet and make for a more enjoyable ride they can be almost continually up and down, especially in the mountains. A-roads on the other hand tend to be on average much flatter and more direct. Constantly being overtaken by inconsiderate drivers isnt exactly fun though.

Today we experienced both as we left the Lake District from Keswick towards Carlisle. Initially we had found that rare balance- a smooth and direct road without much traffic. Then we hit traffic hell for 20km - the busy A595. Despite the road being no wider than previous routes, drivers felt it neccessary to overtake on blind corners, at uncomfortable distances, and even roll down their windows and hurl abuse at one point. We managed to escape onto a back road and rolled into Carlisle for lunch.

And what a lunch it was. We found that students paradise, a Wetherspoons, and gorged ourselves on Steak (it being a,Tuesday) for almost an hour. Bloated with all the meat, we found a minor road alongside the M6 and headed towards the Scottish border where, remarkably, the sun was beginning to break through the thick white clouds that had loomed over us all morning.

We entered Scotland in the town of Gretna, famous as the marriage destination for eloping couples since 1830. We felt no distinct change in atmosphere across the border, but it certainly felt like a milestone for us as we enter the final section of the trip. There are still 4 days cycling to reach Fort William though, so were not becoming nostalgic just yet.

Into Scotland!
After a long stretch westwards from Gretna along a boring agricultural stretch we turned inland. Our route steadily became more undulating and we occasionally passed forests and estates. This was beginning, superficially at least, to look like the scotland i know from books, tv and film.

The campsite we found also conforms strictly to stereotypes, with a view over a Loch and a golf course. I can only hope the highlands reach my lofty expectations of stunning vistas and deep blue lochs.

Distance: 105km
Average Speed: 20.1kph
Total distance: 494km
Midge count: 5/10

Rainy-ness: 2/10
Roadkill seen: 3 Hedgehogs, 2 Rabbits, 1 Badger :(

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